Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Savoring EVERY Moment of CHRISTmas!!

Christmas was Wonderful!!! The Celebrating of our Saviour, spending time with all of our family & the good mememories that were made! Christmas with a 4 year old is alot of F-U-N, seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child brings back so many fond memories when I was her age, I have to say this past Christmas was one the most fun, believing in Santa, the awe of the gifts...I could go on and on.....
We have such large families we have 3 more Christmas gatherings this weekend....I guess we can call those Christmas/New Years Celebrations. I took tons of photos with my new camera still learning on it, but Loving being able to catch those precious memories! Here's just a few...............getting ready to welcome 2012 in a few days!

Monday, December 19, 2011

~AdVeNtUre Christmas Shopping~

Chloe went shopping with her Daddy Saturday for me. I was sure they would never have a dull moment on the trip. This was the 1st Trip for Christmas that they had went on together. I had a nice, quiet morning of cooking for a Christmas gathering and running errands, I just grinned to myself thinking of the "fun" times they were having together. After making it home, 2 hours later, my husband said that 2 hours seemed as 8 hours! I learn a few quirks that they encountered, Chloe getting into the sample make-up that is on display, picking up a bottle of shampoo and thinking it was lotion, squirting it all over her hands/arms & the episode of Chloe yelling out "DADDY LOVES You" in a real southern drawl to some random lady that was shopping....My Husband, James said he just had to had hide on another isle with his face red as a tomato....Chloe is a "Daddy's Girl" & Glad She got to spend some Memorable Shopping Time Togther!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yesterday Chloe's Pre-K Class Had a Christmas party! My husband and I came to it, they sung 3 Very Cute Songs, ate snacks and made some Cute Christmas crafts! I can't believe Chloe is 1/2 way through with Pre-K, WHERE has ALL of the time gone????!!!!

I got a few cute shots of Chloe being the little class clown...No school for Chloe for the next 2 weeks, going to spend some time with her grandparents and I'm going to take some extra days to enjoy this time of year with her.....9 days until CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S Lights

Last night we decided after dinner to get in the car and roam the roads looking at all of the Christmas lights. We went in several subdivisions, googling over the yard lights. I have to say some were very impressive, I LOVED the beautiful wreaths on the doors! We had been to the Lake Lanier Magical Lights several times, even though Chloe was very small one year, but I just couldnt' see paying that kind of money to ride through...so we opted to take advantage of all of the hard-work that residences had done in their yards....FUN & FREE Night with the Family!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pure J-O-Y!!!

Yestarday after we went to church & ate lunch we decided to go visit my Great-Aunt in the Nursing Home. Chloe had never been to one so didn't know how she would do. She was very observant, quite bashful most of the time and that is VERY unusual for Chloe, as she is always the funny/hyper little girl! We took some Christmas gifts for my Aunt and visited a while. All of the residents there were so extremely happy to see such a cute, little girl to visit with, they kept asking her questions and wanting to see her snowman bracelet. Nursing Homes can be helpful to families that have no other result but they can be sad as well, especially the elderly that have no family or some never have visitors to spend time with them. We all went to the Dining Hall to watch a Christmas square-dancing with the residents there, it was quite entertaining & fun to watch their faces light up.
I recommend anyone that hasn't been before or in a long time to go visit with the men & women that are in the Nursing Homes, You NEVER know what that little time you take to go by or that smile you give them could lift their spirits so Very Much! Quite a Nice Experiece with Chloe....as she got her Dr's bag/supplies out as we got to my Mom's house, she was wanting to be a nurse at the Nursing Home!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

***Santa #2 ***

Last night we decided to take Chloe to Bass Pro to see there Santa, plus a FREE Pic! Nothing special just headed down to Bass Pro, thinking since it was during the week that there wouldn't be many people, YEAH RIGHT, there were lines! We got our "pass" to wait, looks like we were going to have an hour wait...but then the Nice Lady working back there snuck us a pass for 15 minutes from the time we got there, S-W-E-E-T!!!!!!!!!
We got 2 kids away from Santa & Chloe started getting anxious, she said she had to go to the bathroom....WHAT???!!!! No way was I going to get in the back of the line now....was crossing my fingers & holding my breath that Chloe didn't pee on Santa...that would have scared the poor girl for her the rest of her Life! She didn't go thankgoodness, only mentioned one thing on her Christmas list "Make-Up", this girl isn't going to give up on the make-up! After meeting with the "Big Guy", Chloe ran non-stop to every boat, 4-Wheeler, All -Terrain Mules and insisted she wanted them for Christmas Too! ( I think that's a little much for the Christmas budget though!!!!!) Nice, FREE event for any age kids, Highly Recommend!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Our **NEWEST** Addition....Elfie Elf!!

Chloe spent 2 nights with her Grandparents over the weekend, which gave me tons of time to do some much needed 'to do' things. I cleaned, and cleaned, finished decorating & wrapped all of Chloe's gifts. I had to find a good hiding spot, as Chloe is very inquisitive and sneaky....upstairs bonus room, seemed to be a good spot. I think wrapping her gifts and thinking of the little smiling face on Christmas morning, has me as excited/anxious as her.
Oh, & yes, we did give into all of the CRAZE....The Braswell's are now proud owners of a "Elf on a Shelve"! I told myself last year I wasn't giving into the fad, but after thinking about the tradition that could be started, about years down the road reminiscing over it, I thought it would be a well-worth purchase. Chloe has been very excited checking every morning to see where her little mystery elf is hiding, still no name...We just call him "Elfie" right now....Hope to give the no-name Elf a name soon!
Looks like another busy, Christmas week, 2 Christmas parties...but looking forward them as well!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Decorating A Little Daily = A Messy House!

My house has been a M-E-S-S all week!!! Boxes & boxes of Christmas decorations, and me being OCD my nerves have been on edge all week! I've been on the verge thinking when I'm going to get this disaster cleaned up. The house is looking alot more festive now, got the live greenery on the mantles, apoth. jars filled, wreaths on the door. Got my "To-Do" list almost full for the weekend. I'm going to attempt finishing up decorating tonight, clean all day tomorrow and Saturday since Chloe is staying at my parents going to attempt at getting all of her gifts wrapped and put upstairs. A MUST that has to be done 1st before any of the list is fulfilled...Apple Cinnamon candles lit and some Kenny G playing...and then I'm Set!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

~Christmas Photos & Chloe Visiting Santa~

We had our Annual Christmas Photos made for our Christmas cards, as well as Chloe getting to chat with Santa about what all is on her Christmas list. I surprised that Chloe only mentioned 2 things, some make-up & a White Puppy ( she didn't say fake or real, even though I know which she is talking about, it's the FUR-REAL PUPPY that has a pink leash). Chloe was very solemn in most of the experience with Santa...no expressions, maybe she was just really taking it all in. I can't believe she didn't recognize his voice, since Santa actually goes to our church & used to be Chloe's Sunday school teacher, she looked a little puzzled, but never mentioned it.
Can't believe tomorrow is the last day of November....Gotta alot of shopping to finish up & decorating to get finished as well.... 'Tis the Season!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Excited About The Rest of Week!~

Today is my Last Day of the Work Week, then off to Enjoy My Time with Family, Eating, Shopping & Making Sweet Memories Together!

I Love Thanksgiving, Don't get me Wrong I Love Christmas as Well, but Thanksgiving, its food, laughter, time spent together, without the material gifts, just seems a little more low key.
I am super-excited about our "Girls Family Tradition on Black Friday" as Well...Myself, Mom, Sister, Cousin, Aunt & Grandma all go shopping together, usually just to the Mall of Georgia, shop till we drop and then we stop by the yummy! Krispy Kreme for a nice afternoon treat! We Have been doing this tradition since I was about 4 or 5 years old myself...Chloe is going to have a "Daddy-Daughter" Day, which I'm sure will be fun too!
Now if we can just get some more of that Cool, Crisp Fall Weather to set the mood for the rest of the week!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

{Being T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L}

I've took the November monthly challenge on Facebook to put on my Status daily what I'm Thankful for Each day. It was Very Easy at the Beginning, but Then I started struggling With What to Put, When in Reality, We Should Be Thankful from The Biggest, Most Obvious People or Things, but Really the Smallest We Should Give Thanks For As Well!

I Love This Time of Year, Time With Family, Lots of Memories To Make!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My **1st** 8-Pointer + 7 Years of Hunting = SUCCESS!!!

Chloe didn't go with us this weekend, she stayed at her grandparents, so just me and the Hubs went. We got a late start so didn't know if we would see anything or not. Sitting, dozing off to sleep, awake, sitting, freezing, sitting some more...and THEN James said there's a buck behind that tree, I got my gun out with the scope....by now the heartbeats are in my throat, my nose is starting to run (never fails, any hunters out there know this exact feeling). And BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! He's Down!! The Excitment on my Husband's face was irreplaceable! I think he was more excited than myself, I was excited to FINALLY have killed an 8 pointer, after 7 years of hunting...the Waiting PAID OFF!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

~Another **1st** For CHLOE~

Saturday we took Chloe deer hunting for the 1st time! My Husband has been SOoooo Very Anxious about taking her - "Daddy's GIRL!!!" I wasn't so anxious because I knew the struggle to get her to remain quiet the whole time would be a never-ending battle. We suited up, camo, orange vest, gun in hand, well a few pics before we made our way to our destination of the "waiting game".
Chloe was too cute, looking throught the scope on the gun, the question that was asked over & over, "Where are the deer ????????". I was a little sad that she didn't even get to see one deer, we did hear them in the woods down from where we were. 1 hour & 15 minutes later...We called it a day! No Deer, but a good quality family-outing together as a FAMILY! ( and Chloe claims she is going again, We Shall See! )

Friday, November 4, 2011

ALL 'BOUT SOME "junkin"!!!!

Last Friday, so a week late, I started out on my adventure,didn't see many garage sales to stop at, but within an hour or so I hit the JACKPOT!!! I found tons, and one was even at a barn, 1st one at a barn I have ever been too. I found some really good deals, which is a TOTAL aderaline rush, I got a Practically New DKNY purse that was carried 1 time, for $1.00. I made a pit stop at the local Goodwill as well, found some large Pottery Barn style candle sticks. Needless to say I was a VERY HAPPY CAMPER, Junkin!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick or Treating was a BLAST!!!!!

Trick or Treating with a 4 year old is such a HOOT!!!!! Chloe was in a very good mood, after convinicing her "girls wear red" as she thinks girls can only wear pink! I'm LOVING my new camera and got tons of good photos of this little Jesse Cowgirl! She kept singing "Honky Tonk Badonadonk" and giggling non-stop, hey, whatever works to get some good shots of this hyper blonde-curled toddler.
I think the outfit was too cute, actually I paired up different pieces, outfit from Cracker Barrel about 2 years ago, 75% off, cowgirl hat from a year or two ago and some "Jesse" boots from the Disney store that I had a gift card for.....Here's to {TRICK OR TREATING FOR 2011}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chloe's Halloween Costumes~

Friday at Winniford, Chloe's school, they are suppose to dress up as storybook characters, Chloe is going to be "Pocahantas", my Little Indian Princess! The outfit was found at a yard sale one year for like $1.00, had the outfit, headdress, beaded necklace...She is really into feathers lately, since this is the new fad, so she is All about this outfit!
Monday, on actual Halloween, Chloe is going to be "Jesse off Toy Story", I have her a really cute cowgirl outfit...red boots,even a little sheriff's badge on her vest...I can't wait to see my "Root-tooten Cowgirl"!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Running in CIRCLES!

I feel as though I run in circles daily....up, work, home, housework, sleep. I have a slight problem with OCD in the cleaning dept. I can't stand for clothes to lay around if they aren't clean & hung, then they must be dirty and I have to keep those washed up.Having a 4 year old is no help, as soon as I clean up one room, pick everything up and think I've got a check off the "check-list", I turn around and it is a mess again. I am TOTALLY exhausted at the end of the day, I literally never sit down from the time I come in the door at home. " A Mom's Job is NEVER complete"!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Festivities~

We had a Wonderful weekend with family, while enjoying this gorgeous cool, crisp fall weather. We had the bonfire, Chloe was not too thrilled, I think it was from being so darn tired from Pre-K all day, after about 2 marshmellows, she was cozying up to fall asleep. I enjoyed my few marshmellows and the fellowship. We opted out of camping in a tent since it was cold that night. We stayed at my parents house Friday night instead.
Saturday we had the "pig roasting" and all of the fixings. We had alot of fellowship with all of my Dad's extended family, cousins galore, kids everywhere. I wasn't to impressed with the taste of the pig meat, but at least I can say that I have experienced and tasted an end result of a "pig roast".
Sunday we had church and visited with my grandparents.

And my FAVORITE find of the weekend....I got a New 75-300mm camera lens for my new Camera!!! I got a heck of a deal for it and hope to start studying up on different photo op ideas and some new tricks to try on my Canon camera.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I am so looking forward to this weekend!!! I mean, REALLY looking forward to a weekend with family, bonfires, roasting marshmellows, fellowship & good times! I've got my fleece/jeans, boots, gloves all laid out, ready for the family "Franklin Camp-out"....Needless to say I've talked Chloe out of camping in a tent, just a little too cool for me, I don't think I could handle the weather.
We're going to have a "pig roasting" as well, have only seen these on TV so anxious to see how this turns out and how it tastes as well.
The weather is perfect for this type of gathering, hope to take some pics with my new Camera as well....I just LOVE my NEW Camera!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I SOooooo Needed This Today!

Some recent situations going on in our Family has really tested & are continuing to test my Faith! I'm a Child of the King & I know that he has a Perfect plan for Me and my family. I ask daily for guidance from my Saviour, and for the Ultimate PEACE he can give to us!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pinterest Idea for Pumpkins, Very Easy....

We had a pumpkin we were wanting to carve. I had saw on Pinterest one week that you could use metal cookie cutters to hammer with a rubber malet into the pumpkin to make designs.
We finally got around to the pumpkin, but to our dismay, the pumpkin was already getting squishy, and started to stink some, but we decided to go ahead and decorate it to put outside.
Chloe opted for the "Hillbilly Pumpkin" ! Her expressions were soooo...worth the mess & stinch of the collasping pumpkin.

And might add, Made my 1st Pinterest dessert recipe this weekend, "Easy Pumpkin Cake"...Yummo!!! It was super-easy & was so moist & delcious!!! Definately a "must" for this coming Thanksgiving season!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Working on the FARM~

This past weekend my husband had been working on the farm, plowing, planting etc. He thought it would be a good idea to bring Chloe up to let her help out some & ride the equipment, of course, Chloe was anxiously waiting to get out & play in the dirt some. I pretty much grew up on a farm and had the constant sounds of tractors, cows/goats etc. but in the BRANCH, Chloe doesn't really get to experience this on a every-day basis. Tractor out & ready, Chloe jumps right on with her Daddy, dust billowing behind, but Chloe smiling ear-to-ear the whole time. I found myself a little spot on the tractor as well, right on the fender-well, so Chloe, me and the hubs all plowing down the fields ( a little bumpy & dusty, was an under-statement). Later on, Chloe got the chance to control the bobcat, this little girl was in heaven....this big open space of playing in the dirt was getting giggles & grins the whole time.
Thankful for the Saturday evening we got to spend together on the Farm.....